Pacifical Includes Verification Services for FAD-Caught Tuna in PNA MSC-Certified Fishery
Pacifical, the global leader in tuna traceability and verification, is excited to announce a significant expansion of its services within the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) MSC-certified tuna fishery. Pacifical’s enhanced capabilities will now include the verification and traceability of tuna caught using Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) for skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye tuna, complementing…

John West Australia and Pacifical Set Milestone for Tuna Industry with GDST Sustainability Data Exchange
In an unprecedented collaboration between Australia’s tuna market leader, J.R. Simplot Company’s John West brand, and the leading Pacific tuna supply chain traceability and verification company, Pacifical, a historic milestone has been achieved with the successful exchange of data using the GDST (Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability) protocol. This groundbreaking achievement sets a new standard…

Happy World Tuna Day: Pacifical Announces Winners of the WTD T-Shirt Design Contest
Today is May 2nd, World Tuna Day; A day that reminds us of the invaluable role tuna plays in the world and of course, our Pacific region, as well as the importance of safeguarding the health of the tuna stocks for future generations. To commemorate this occasion, our team at Pacifical organized a T-shirt design…

Celebrate World Tuna Day in Style!
*Open to residents of Tokelau, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu only. May 2nd is World Tuna Day! Celebrate tuna’s vital role in our lives and communities across the Pacific. Join us in promoting sustainable tuna fishing…

Great Video Tells Real Life World Tuna Day Story and Wins Grand Prizes
Happy World Tuna Day! Today is a day of joy in the Pacific, a day to celebrate and honor the existence of tuna in our daily lives, our ecosystem and economy. The citizens of the PNA island nations: Federated States of Micronesia, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands or Tuvalu and…

PNA Has Started Its MSC Reassessment – FADs and Bigeye Included
The PNA has started the process of MSC recertification for the entire PNA purse seine fishery, which will now be assessed against the new MSC standard (V2.01). The reassessment includes Freeschool and FAD – skipjack, yellowfin and bigeye. The Announcement Comment Draft Report (ACDR) has been published last week in the MSC website. Our Pacifical…

PNA Achieves The Adoption Of Skipjack Management Procedure
Great news! PNA members have adopted a conservation measure on the management procedure for skipjack tuna in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO) . This PNA move is a significant component of the harvest strategy and tropical tuna measure that will be progressed in the coming years. The new management procedure will apply to…

Tuvalu Could Disappear Into The Sea This Century, And Is Already Becoming Unlivable
Small islands in the Pacific Ocean will disappear due to climate change. But there is no attention at the top in Egypt for the population that will have to leave. ‘We are sinking’. (Original article by NRC.) Kelesoma Saloa (52), a bulky man with soft eyes, mourns his homeland. Tuvalu, a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean,…

Pacifical has become the first seafood company to pass the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST’s) Capability Test, demonstrating its ability to capture all data required by the GDST Standard, receiving and transmitting data in the correct formats, and using a standardized communications protocol. Pacifical’s online platform is called “SmarTuna”, an IT system that facilitates optimal visibility, verification, traceability,…

PNA MSC Certification Remains 100% FAD FREE
The Independent Adjudicator (IA) has determined that the world’s largest tuna purse seiner fishery, the PNA, should not be MSC certified for FADs and bigeye. This comes after a lengthy dispute process. The PNA purse seiner fishery remains MSC certified for free school skipjack and yellowfin catches. John McKendrick, the IA, published his decision on…

Update – scope extension for the PNA Western and Central Pacific fishery on bigeye and FAD sets
The independent adjudicator (IA) has published his decisions on the scope extension for the PNA Western and Central Pacific fishery on bigeye and FAD sets; 13 out of the 15 objections were dismissed which included overturning arguments against FADs, which means this fishery could likely soon include FAD sets. However, the IA stated that scores…

Pacifical Completes GDST Beta Capability Test
Pacifical, the only seafood industry member to take part of the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) beta-Capability Test, has successfully completed all the steps in the beta testing environment. Their advancement towards GDST IT capability signals that they will be in a leading position to verify the capability of their system when the final…

And its pacific custodians. To ensure future generations enjoy tuna for good, the choice is simple. Support those caring for the resource. Tokelau Tokelau is a dependent territory of New Zealand. 1500 people live on 3 tropical coral atolls (Atafu, Nukunonu and Fakaofo). A 100% solar powered nation. With 65% of their government income coming…

Pacifical Partners Ask Tuna Fishing Companies to Adopt the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS)
Pacifical partners call for the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) to be adopted in their MSC tuna supply chain. Retailers and brand owners, sourcing MSC tuna from the Pacific, are aware that labor conditions in wild capture fisheries, such as tuna, are difficult to observe and monitor, due to the remote nature of their workplace….

Pacifical & Digimarc Making The GDST Traceability Standard A Reality
Digimarc Corporation (Nasdaq: DMRC) and Pacifical have been working together to achieve interoperability between their traceability systems through use of communication protocols of the Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) standard. Supply chains across all sectors are complex. Even though most suppliers make attempts to provide full traceability for products, the challenge for retailers is that each supply…

Infographic Pacifical Impact Sourcing 2021 – Happy Holidays
An estimated $14.5 Million USD is how much our partners have directly contributed to the people of the PNA Islands nations through sourcing Pacifical tuna products. When sourcing and processing traceable Pacifical sustainable wild tuna, you can be 100% assured that your sourcing decisions are making a critical positive impact in the pacific island region;…

Pacifical Targets GSA Certification to Guard Fair Conditions for Seiner Crews
Pacifical, the market development company of the nine Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) Pacific Island nations, and the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA), announce their partnership to implement the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) on all Pacifical fishing operations. The RFVS scheme certification will provide independently verified assurance of fair working and living conditions onboard,…

PNA’s FAD Fishery Now Recommended for MSC certification
Yesterday the Marine Stewardship Council has published the Final Draft Report (FDR) by the certification assessment body (CAB) Lloyd’s Register on the scope extension of our PNA Western and Central Pacific skipjack, yellowfin, and bigeye tuna purse seine fishery. The report focuses on extending the scope of the certification from exclusively being a free school…

Pacifical Video Clip Contest Winners Show Community Impact On World Tuna Day
Today is May 2nd, World Tuna Day! The day to commemorate the existence of tuna and its contribution to our daily lives. A day to spread awareness of the importance and value of tuna, both to the Pacifical community and consumers worldwide. We wanted to hear directly from the PNA people how they experience tuna…

Pacifical World Tuna Day VIDEO CLIP Contest
***Limited to residents of PNA Nations: Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tokelau and Tuvalu. May 2nd, World Tuna Day is approaching! The day to commemorate the existence of tuna and its contribution to our daily lives. A day to spread awareness of the importance and value…

OCEANIA: MSC Canned Tuna Snapshot 2021
Oceania is not only the world’s largest supplier of MSC certified tuna, but with Australia and New Zealand, the region is also one of the major MSC tuna buyers in the planet, yet it is a market that is experiencing stagnation. There has not been a lot of MSC tuna developments in Oceania since 2016….

Pacifical Wishes You Happy Holidays
Goodbye 2020. Hello 2021. We want to thank you for trusting in our PNA MSC certified fishery to fulfill your demand for MSC certified tuna throughout this challenging and “unusual” year. We missed seeing you at the trade fairs and conferences, but despite the distance, the continuous support you have given us has been felt…

Taiwanese WCPO Seiners More Productive In 2018
The distant water purse seiner fleet of Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) caught the most volume of tuna despite a drop in vessel numbers and the decline in catches in the previous years from 2015-2017. Since the 1990s, setting on free-swimming schools has become the most prevailing method for this fleet. According to the provisional estimate from WCPFC, in 2018,…