Pacifical serves and strengthens a worldwide network of fishing companies, traders, processors, retailers, brands and food service companies’ committed to catch, process and source from the PNA Pacific island nations’ MSC certified tuna fisheries. Become a Pacifical partner today and begin enjoying the full benefits of the global Pacifical network.
Please send an email to and our team will be in touch within 1 business day to guide you on the enrollment process for your company.
Our Partners
Pacifical is not a direct supplying company but cooperates with many partners in the entire Tuna supply chain. Our program is built of multiple fishing companies, importers and traders, more than 35 processing partners and many brands, retailers, food service and processing companies who actively work with our sustainable MSC tuna.
To ensure transparency of our traceable MSC-certified Skipjack-, Yellowfin- and Bigeye tuna we share below the Pacifical partners who already actively catch, trade and process our sustainable tuna caught in the Pacifical islands waters. If you would like to learn more about our global operating Pacifical network you can always contact us.
Fishing Company Partners

Tuna Processor Partners

Distributor & Food Processor Partners