Four pillars represent our core values; sustainable fishing, MSC certification, chain of custody and social accountability. Our work is strongly based on collaborative efforts with partners across the entire supply chain sourcing Pacifical MSC Certified Tuna. Verification and traceability systems are key for the reliability of our MSC Chain of Custody to go above and beyond industry standards.

Sustainable Fishing
Caught by Purse Seiners by Free School sets. Reducing by-catch to the lowest level. MSC tuna caught in the Only Ocean with all major tuna species in Green.

Our MSC certified tuna
The largest MSC certified tuna volumes available.

Our Chain of Custody
Strict multi-level systems with checks and balances in place to validate that the MSC eligible tuna fully meets the MSC criteria.

Social Accountability
Pioneer in Purse Seine Social Accountability Guidelines, lowest slavery risk, social aspects included within observer checklist.
Sustainable Fishing
Pacifical solely promotes tuna caught by setting nets on free swimming schools of skipjack and yellowfin tuna (not tuna attracted by using a Fish Aggregating Device (FAD).
Our fishing method limits the ecological impact of Purse Seining. Very few baby tunas are caught in schools, almost no juvenile big-eye and yellowfin . Free schools consists of predominantly mature Tunas of the same size and species. FAD dependency is reduced and therefore the by-catch of other species is naturally diminished. The more free-school fishing efforts, the least ghost gear pollution and entangling of vulnerable species. Pacifical aims to increase demand for free-school caught tuna, for good reasons!
This doesn’t mean the PNA is aiming to abolish FADS. The goal is to lower FAD dependency, which is (for the experts out there) the ratio of FAD and Freeschool sets. The MSC program aims to incentivize captains to go Free School fishing, through a financial reward to compensate for the increased fishing efforts and risks. At the same time the PNA is investing in improved FAD management regulation within their sovereign waters and beyond.
Our MSC Certification
Pacifical is proud we stand for 100% MSC certified sustainable catch and solely represent and manage MSC Certified products! Learn more about MSC and our certification, here!
On top of that, the Pacific Islands nations provide the largest potential volume of MSC certified Skipjack and Yellowfin Tuna. Are you looking for affordable MSC certified tuna, we can make it happen! We believe sustainable certified and traceable catch should be the market norm. With our MSC large potential volume we can make MSC tuna the norm.
To make sure the Chain of Custody is not broken at any stage, we require from all our chain of custody partners to hold an MSC CoC certificate.
Pacifical goes the extra mile with additional independent verification not only on the entire fishery level, but also on individual fishing trip level. We check the compliance with the MSC standard of every Batch of fish and work with detailed Batch Certificates!
Chain Of Custody
Pacifical goes the extra mile with additional independent chain of custody verification. In close collaboration, Pacifical checks the compliance and monitor the chain of custody on fishing trip level, only granting MSC status to verified fishing trip batches, with Batch Certificates. Every step, from the start of the trip until sorting in the coldstore is verified by a public authority.
After the MSC Batch certification is approved, Pacifical is making sure the high level of assurance isn’t lost at any point further downstream the supply chain. Every movement of the entire, or part of the original batch is tracked. This way we at Pacifical keep a close eye on the exact volume that moves through the supply chain, effectively eliminating the risk of any non-certified or IUU fish being mixed in and improving traceability practices at all stages of the supply chain. This tuna can be recognized by our Pacifical Geographical Indication on the product packaging.
Social Accountability
To have fair working & social conditions for all crew members on board of Purse Seiners
To be a fishermen can be a beautiful profession, but also dangerous. Traditionally the dangers of the ocean have been well documented. Nowadays we not only need to look at safety but also at legal and social conditions for all crew members on board. Therefore the independent observers inspect all identity documents as well as the conditions before any Purse Seiner embarks on an MSC trip. In addition we ask all the participating fishing companies to acknowledge and support our Social guidelines.
To have fair working & social conditions for our people working in factories and on-board
Tuna processing plants provide work and income to thousands of families. Therefore it is important that these workers’ rights and safety are always respected. We engage in dialogues with all our processing partners, that should meet the BSCI Standards (Business Social Compliance Initiative), or equivalent.